Sin is more dangerous than wild bears, more deadly than blazing forest fires. Ask Nebuchadnezzar, who lost his mind because he refused to deal with his pride. Ask Samson, who was reduced to a pathetic shred of a man because he never got control over the lusts of his flesh. Ask Achan and Ananias and Sapphira, who all lost their lives over โsmall,โ secret sins.
Nancy Leigh DeMossWhen God calls you to do something, He provides everything it takes to get it done.
Nancy Leigh DeMossDonโt wait for God to break you. You can choose to be broken or you can wait for God to crush your pride.
Nancy Leigh DeMossFrustration is the by-product of attempting to fulfill responsibilities God does not intend for us to carry. Freedom, joy, and fruitfulness come from seeking to determine Godโs priorities for each season of life, and then setting out to fulfill those priorities, in the power of His Spirit, realizing that He has provided the necessary time and abilities to do everything that He has called us to do.
Nancy Leigh DeMossWe are never more like Jesus than when we are serving Him or others. There is no higher calling than to be a servant.
Nancy Leigh DeMossI want to live in such a way that, if it is only twenty-nine more days or twenty-nine more weeks, or if it is twenty-nine more years or more, I want to faithful with each one of those-that I could go and meet the Lord without regrets, without unfinished business.
Nancy Leigh DeMossHave you been tormented with fears and doubts? Bombarded with temptation to sin? Try praising the Lord, and watch Satan flee.
Nancy Leigh DeMossJesus has revealed Himself in the Scripture. If we want to know Him, if we want to know the Truth, we must devote ourselves to the reading, study, and meditation of His Word
Nancy Leigh DeMossDo you know who you are? God made you a woman. Accept His gift. Don't be afraid to be feminine and to add physical and spiritual loveliness to the setting where He has placed you. You are a child of God. You are a part of the bride of Christ. You belong to the King--you are royalty. Dress and conduct yourself in a way that reflects your high and holy calling. God has called you out of this world's system--don't let the world press you into its mold. Don't think, dress, or act like the world; inwardly and outwardly, let others see the difference He makes in your life.
Nancy Leigh DeMossBrokenness is the STRIPPING OF SELF-RELIANCE AND INDEPENDENCE FROM GOD...but he is cast in total dependence upon the grace of God working in and through him.
Nancy Leigh DeMossBeing disconnected from the local church, for whatever reason, is a dangerous way to live. Not only do these โ lone rangersโ miss out on the blessings of functioning within the context of the body of Christ, but like lone sheep away from the safety of the flock and the watchful care of the shepherd, they are vulnerable to predators of every sort.
Nancy Leigh DeMossIt's bad enough for me to make choices that hurt my own relationship with God. How much more serious is it to be the cause of someone else deciding to sin? Not only must I choose the pathway of holiness for God's sake and for my own sake; I must also do it for the sake of others.
Nancy Leigh DeMossO God, make us desperate, and grant us faith and boldness to approach Your throne and make our petitions known, knowing that in doing we link arms with Omnipotence and become instruments of Your eternal purposes being fulfilled on this earth.
Nancy Leigh DeMossThe Truth is that contentment is not found in having everything we think we want but in choosing to be satisfied with what God has already provided. The Truth is that those who insist on having their own way often end up with unnecessary heartache, while those who wait on the Lord always get His best.
Nancy Leigh DeMossOnce we agree with God that we exist for His pleasure and His glory, we can accept whatever comes into our lives as a part of His sovereign will and purpose. We will not resent, resist, or reject the hard things, but embrace them as friends, sovereignly designed by God to make us more like Jesus and to bring glory to Himself.
Nancy Leigh DeMossThe word hospitality in the New Testament comes from two Greek words. The first word means love and the second word means strangers. Its a word that means love of strangers.
Nancy Leigh DeMossGod is sovereign, that is He is the boss. He is in control. He is the supreme ruler of heaven and earth for all of eternity. He is Lord. We don't make Him Lord. He is Lord. And joy comes when we acknowledge that He is Lord; we rest in His Lordship. We trust His sovereignty, and we surrender to it. That means that God has the right to give, and God has the right to take away.
Nancy Leigh DeMossWorship is a believer's response to God's revelation of Himself. It is expressing wonder, awe, and gratitude for the worthiness, the greatness, and the goodness of our Lord. It is the appropriate response to God's person, His provision, His power, His promises, and His plan.
Nancy Leigh DeMossObedience is the pathway to blessing. Itโs the means of protection. Itโs the means of joy. Itโs the means to finding Godโs best in our lives.
Nancy Leigh DeMossThere may be some issue where God is calling you to surrender. I donโt know what you may be struggling with, but whatever it is, let me just encourage you: Donโt delay obedience.
Nancy Leigh DeMossThe more we hold on to our hurts, anger and bitterness, the more we become slaves to unforgiveness.
Nancy Leigh DeMossWhat [others] most need is to see in you a reflection of what God is like and of the transforming power of the Gospel. Your life can create hunger and thirst for God in others' lives and can be a powerful instrument in the hand of the Holy Spirit to draw their hearts to Christ.
Nancy Leigh DeMossRegardless of the reaction of others, one thing is certain: True worship and devotion will make our lives fragrant and will perfume the environment around us. Our homes, our churches, even our places of work will bear the sweet scent of our devotion. Most important, the Lord Jesus will be pleased. And ultimately that is all that really matters.
Nancy Leigh DeMoss