Twice in her life she had mistaken something else for it; it was like seeing somebody in the street who you think is a friend, you whistle and wave and run after him, and it is not only not the friend, but not even very like him. A few minutes later the real friend appears in view, and then you can't imagine how you ever mistook that other person for him. Linda was now looking upon the authentic face of love, and she knew it, but it frightened her. That it should come so casually, so much by a series of accidents, was frightening.
Nancy MitfordI do love translating; it is the pure pleasure of writing without the misery of inventing.
Nancy MitfordAlways remember, children, that marriage is a very intimate relationship. It's not just sitting and chatting to a person; there are other things, you know.
Nancy MitfordAlways be civil to the girls, you never know who they may marry' is a aphorism which has saved many an English spinster from being treated like an Indian widow.
Nancy Mitford