The more we learn about life, the less plausible is any evolutionary theory that relies on blind, undirected, piece-by-piece change.
Nancy PearceyA worldview is not the same things a formal philosophy, otherwise it would only be for philosophers. Even ordinary people have a set of convictions about how reality functions and how they should live. Some convictions are conscious while others are unconscious but together they form a consistent picture of reality.
Nancy PearceyNo one lives like a robot. We all make choices from the moment we wake up in the morning.
Nancy PearceyMy aim in homeschooling is to give my children the ability to be an adult learner, a skill set that will last the rest of their lives.
Nancy PearceyChristian adults need to think about talking to our own children as a form of cross-cultural missions. Cultural change happens so quickly that teens are exposed to ideas and worldviews very different from those of previous generations.
Nancy PearceyThe gospel is like a caged lion,' said the great baptist preacher Charles Spurgeon. 'It does not need to be defended, it simply needs to be let out of it's cage' Today, the cage is our accommodation to the secular/sacred split that reduces Christianity to a matter of personal belief. To unlock the cage, we need to become utterly convinced that, as Francis Schaeffer said, Christianity is not merely religious truth, it is total truth- truth about the whole of reality.
Nancy Pearcey