The issue of childcare is the missing link in the full contribution of women to our society and to our economy.
Nancy PelosiFreedom is secured every day by our men and women in uniform. We must build a future worthy of their sacrifice.
Nancy PelosiI don't have a nightlife. People say, "You need these cocktail dresses for all the receptions" - except I don't go, because we have no idea if we are going to be in session. But my husband has encouraged me to, shall we say, keep up with fashion.
Nancy PelosiThe good news is that we really do think that ... on the immigration issue, that we will, before summer, have comprehensive immigration reform.
Nancy PelosiThe fact is that a lot of the spending increases came during the Bush administration. Two unpaid for wars we got ourselves engaged in. A prescription drug plan that added enormous amounts to our spending, and the tax cuts at the high end that did not create jobs and create revenue coming.
Nancy Pelosi