Nothing constructive and worthy of man's efforts ever has or ever will be achieved except by that which comes from a positive mental attitude, based on a definiteness of purpose and activated by a burning desire, and acted upon until the burning desire is elevated to the level of applied faith.
Napoleon HillThe world has the habit of making room for the man whose actions show that he knows where he is going.
Napoleon HillFortunate is the person who has developed the self-control to steer a straight course towards his objectives in life, without being swayed from his purpose by either commendation or condemnation.
Napoleon HillWithout doubt, the most common weakness of all human beings is the habit of leaving their minds open to the negative influence of other people.
Napoleon HillThe seventh factor of the basic ingredients of genius, as determined from an extensive analysis of the lives of outstanding men of this nation, is *the habit of going the extra mile.* You will never be a genius unless you make it a habit to do more and better than you are paid to do, every single day of your life.
Napoleon Hill