The world does not run on the number of certificates one has, but on the skills our hands have. Let the youth dream big and aim for the sky. The work of a government should be to open doors.
Narendra ModiSaansad Adarsh Gram Yojana is not a scheme that can be run by money. This scheme has to run with people's participation under the guidance of the MPs.
Narendra ModiThe poor is the central focus of my economic agenda. The poor should be strengthened in such a way that they get the willingness to defeat poverty. By helping the poor make ends meet while they remain in poverty is also one of the ways. I am not saying right or wrong but it's one of the ways.
Narendra ModiWhile 1857 was about 'Swaraj ki ladai', the 2014 elections would be about 'Surajya ki ladai'.
Narendra Modi