By the physicality alone it was evident that we have one person [who] is incredibly smart, incredibly tough, and able to deal with him in a very, very calm and intelligent manner. And [Donald Trump] thought he was on The Jerry Springer Show.
Natalie PortmanFriendship is anything that you get something out of that is very, very important to you. And that's why there are those people who are so close to you that you don't know how you'd live without them. And they are the ones that, even if they do something terrible, you have to keep. Otherwise, you're just going to be lost without them.
Natalie PortmanI always ask myself, would I want someone to do something that wasn't comfortable for them just to please me? And the answer is no.
Natalie PortmanHillary Clinton wants to extend the Obamacare rule that healthcare companies cannot discriminate against women and charge them more than men for their healthcare. [Donald] Trump wants to get rid of Obamacare.
Natalie Portman