When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you. It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself
Natalie PortmanBasically I have, like, five really close friends - girls and guys. I like being friends with both because you can do different things with both.
Natalie PortmanHillary Clinton has really strong plans, in terms of the economy, extending health care even further, making education more affordable, making smart gun law changes to prevent the kind of disasters we've been seeing on a daily basis.
Natalie PortmanWhen I was in nursery school, the teachers asked me, y'know, 'What does your dad do for a living?' So I said 'He helps women get pregnant!' They called my mom and they were like, 'What exactly does your husband do?'
Natalie Portman