I need to take toward a lot of things that will refine me and make me better suited for leading anyone out of any place of injustice to a place of justice.
Nate ParkerI have engaged in hyper-male culture, and I'm learning about it, and I'm learning how I can change and help young boys and young men change.
Nate ParkerI was working in computers when this stranger approached me out of the blue, saying I should become an actor. I took it as a gift from God, because I had been praying for clarity about what He wanted me to do, since I wasn't happy in computers.
Nate ParkerI never examined my role in male culture, in hyper masculinity. I never examined it, nobody ever called me on it.
Nate ParkerHow many films are there about friendships between teenagers? And how many projects are there dealing with friendships among adults? True friendships - really dealing with the intimacy behind what happened then, and how long you've known each other, and the wounds that haven't healed. That's what [About Alex] film is about.
Nate ParkerWe have such a knee-jerk reaction to our young people, not recognizing our young people carry the torch. We condemn them for their hats worn a certain way or their hoodie worn a certain way, or their pants sagging a certain way, but the reality is, we need to meet them where they stand. We need to arm them with what they need to fight, and then we need to get the hell out the way and let them lead. That is something that is not happening in our communities.
Nate Parker