Ignore your previous experience and go into the moment. Be Here Now. See what there is to work with right now in creating yourself anew. Life is an ongoing, never-ending process of re-creation.
Neale Donald WalschLife is a continual flow of events, streaming in from the universal stream of consciousness in such a way that it exactly matches our own stream of consciousness.
Neale Donald WalschOur "job," our intention as spiritual beings in a body, is to express our true nature - to fully know ourselves as expressions and individuations of the Divine.
Neale Donald WalschIt is not God's function to create or uncreate the circumstances of your life. God created You, in the image and likeness of God. You have created the rest.
Neale Donald WalschStart telling the truth now and never stop. Begin by telling the truth to yourself about yourself. Then tell the truth to yourself about someone else. Then tell the truth about yourself to another. Then tell the truth about another to that other. Finally, tell the truth to everyone about everything. These are the Five Levels Of Truth Telling. This is the five-fold path to freedom.
Neale Donald Walsch