I shall stick to our vow: never, never under any circumstances, to say anything unbecoming of the other...The trouble, of course, is that most successful men are prone to some form of vanity. There comes a stage in their lives when they consider it permissible to be egotistic and to brag to the public at large about their unique achievements.
Nelson MandelaDuring the years I lived here, the people of Alexandra ignored tribal and ethnic distinctions. Instead of being Xhosas, or Sothos, or Zulus, or Shangaans, we were Alexandrans. We were one people, and we undermined the distinctions that the apartheid government tried so hard to impose. It saddens and angers me to see the rising hatred of foreigners.
Nelson MandelaThere can be no greater gift than that of giving oneโs time and energy to help others without expecting anything in return.
Nelson MandelaThe New World Order that is in the making must focus on the creation of a world of democracy, peace and prosperity for all.
Nelson MandelaEach of us, as citizens, has a role to play in creating a better world for our children
Nelson MandelaI don't think there is much history can say about me. I just want to be remembered as part of that collective.
Nelson MandelaI do not deny that I planned sabotage. I did not plan it in a spirit of recklessness nor because I have any love of violence. I planned it as a result of a calm and sober assessment of the political situation that had arisen after many years of tyranny, exploitation and oppression of my people by the whites.
Nelson Mandela