Reintegrating the brain into the rest of the body is absolutely essential to having the kind of long-term health and substantially lower cost [of care] than if you're going to treat them separately.
Newt GingrichIt was an enormous mistake for us to try to occupy that country after June of 2003. We have to pull back, and we have to recognize it.
Newt GingrichI'm a little tired of people who have very big moral positions and very small power in reality.
Newt GingrichIf we really care about safety we would close down WikiLeaks. We would treat the people at WikiLeaks as enemy combatants. We would declare that the kind of thing this private did is treason. WikiLeaks is not a fun and games event. WikiLeaks undermines profoundly the ability of the United States to work around the world. Why would you, if you were a foreigner thinking about helping the United States, why would you confide anything to an American when you know that it could end up in The New York Times based on some leak?
Newt Gingrich