Because there are three classes of intellects: one which comprehends by itself; another which appreciates what others comprehend; and a third which neither comprehends by itself nor by the showing of others; the first is the most excellent, the second is good, the third is useless.
Niccolo MachiavelliAs the observance of divine institutions is the cause of the greatness of republics, so the disregard of them produces their ruin; for where the fear of God is wanting, there the country will come to ruin, unless it be sustained the fear of the prince, which temporarily supply the want of religion.
Niccolo MachiavelliPower is the pivot on which everything hinges. He who has the power is always right; the weaker is always wrong.
Niccolo MachiavelliIt is much better to tempt fortune where it can favor you than to see your certain ruin by not tempting it.
Niccolo MachiavelliThe first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.
Niccolo MachiavelliThe Romans never allowed a trouble spot to remain simply to avoid going to war over it, because they knew that wars don't just go away, they are only postponed to someone else's advantage. Therefore, they made war with Philip and Antiochus in Greece, in order not to have to fight them in Italy... They never went by that saying which you constantly hear from the wiseacres of our day, that time heals all things. They trusted rather their own character and prudence- knowing perfectly well that time contains the seeds of all things, good as well as bad.
Niccolo Machiavelli