Don't watch Kroll Show if you don't have a Nielsen box. I honestly don't care. Feel free to DVR it and not watch it because that will somehow help my ratings maybe, but honestly I'm talking to the four of you with a Nielsen box. If you have a Nielsen box, like, who are you? Where do you live? How do I find you? You're a unicorn and I don't believe that you exist.
Nick KrollI'm really into pandas right now. They're really scratching an itch for me. They're so goddamn cute.
Nick KrollI feel incredibly lucky at this moment in my career to get paid to do basically exactly what I always wanted to do. I appreciate that in general. But you know, like any job, a job is a job, and there are days that are going to be boring, or you have a boss you don't like, or people you work with.
Nick KrollYou get to have some bigger comedic moments with some very real dramatic stuff. All that in one makes for a fulfilling artistic job.
Nick KrollMy friends and family always thought I was pretty funny, but I don't know if they thought I was get-my-own-show funny.
Nick KrollA comedian is sort of like a wild animal. It really just depends on where you catch them. Sometimes they want to cuddle up, and sometimes they'll snap at you. But for me, more often than not, if I'm talking to somebody who makes their living in comedy, it'll be a very thoughtful conversation driven from an emotionally honest place.
Nick Kroll