Now to understand the significance of chastity within us, we have to know that chastity is the foundation of all dharmas. Unless and until you have sense of chastity you cannot have dharma.
Nirmala Srivastava"I don't like it" or "I like it". This sentence must go away from your tongue. Likes and dislikes are only for people who have limited vision. You should learn to appreciate.
Nirmala SrivastavaWhat you have to get is a ocean of love within your heart and to seek that in others also.
Nirmala SrivastavaIt is one of the main teachings of the profound traditional wisdom of India, that the Primordial Mother is the origin of all things and verything tends to flow naturally back towards her.
Nirmala SrivastavaI bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to say that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot transform it. We cannot compromise with it. It is what it is, it has been what it has been, and it will be what it has been. So it doesn't change. What is needed is that we have to change. So, what is the truth? Truth is that you are not this body, this mind; you are not these emotions, intellect or conditionings. Nor you are ego. So what are you ? You are the pure Spirit.
Nirmala Srivastava