Present is the reality. The past is finished, and the future doesn't exist. When the Kundalini rises She elongates those thoughts and establishes in the center where there is complete thoughtless awareness. And spiritually you grow in that thoughtless awareness which in Sanskrit we call as Nirvichaar Samadhi.
Nirmala SrivastavaThere is no need to condemn yourself in any way, or to elate yourself, but just be your Spirit. The best way to be with your Spirit is to forgive.
Nirmala SrivastavaI bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to say that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot transform it. We cannot compromise with it. It is what it is, it has been what it has been, and it will be what it has been. So it doesn't change. What is needed is that we have to change. So, what is the truth? Truth is that you are not this body, this mind; you are not these emotions, intellect or conditionings. Nor you are ego. So what are you ? You are the pure Spirit.
Nirmala SrivastavaIntellect is not wisdom one must understand. They're two things - wisdom and intellect.
Nirmala SrivastavaLove should be pure. If you have love for someone you won't see bad points of the other person, never.
Nirmala SrivastavaWhat is important is that you should know reality. You should know exactly what is right and what is wrong. For that, as I told you, there is this great power of Kundalini within you. She's the one, she passes through all these centres, enlightens them first of all - so your awareness gets enlightened - and when she pierces through Sahasrara, she joins you to this all-pervading power, which is knowledge, which is love, which is truth.
Nirmala Srivastava