Bliss can only come through gratitude, only through enlarging your heart with gratitude. Bliss is the reward of gratitude - the gratitude which is not just wordly or just spoken lip service, but is from the heart - the gratitude of the heart.
Nirmala SrivastavaWhatever adventure you are into, whatever you are doing, your attention should be on your spirit.
Nirmala SrivastavaThis ego business has come from various sources, you know that, but it has to be cleansed out. Like when the river flows all kinds of dirt, filth flows into it, but when it meets the sea it becomes the sea. In the same way you have to become that. To become the sea what you have to do is to forget all these tributaries which were coming into you, and all these wrong ideas which came to you.
Nirmala SrivastavaIt is only the Sahasrara has to grow, not the Spirit. The more sensitive the Sahasrara is, the more it receives the spiritual qualities of the Spirit. Actually the peace is felt in the Sahasrara. The bliss is also felt in the Sahasrara because that is the brain and the brain is the epitome of our nervous system, central nervous system, of consciousness itself.
Nirmala SrivastavaFanaticism is such a blind stuff that it can never give you any idea as to what is reality. Because whatever you believe into, you build up your own ideas and everything onto it and it's like a fake palace built on a fake idea. And then you go on fighting. If God is one, if His love is one, then how can people who believe in God fight?
Nirmala Srivastava