Colombia was a big wheat producer in the 1950's. That was eliminated by what sounds like a nice plan, called "Food for Peace. " It's a plan by which US taxpayers subsidized US agribusiness to send food to poor countries. This, of course, destroyed the domestic agricultural markets of these countries, opening these markets to US agribusiness.
Noam ChomskyKarl Marx said, โThe task is not just to understand the world but to change it.โ A variant to keep in mind is that if you want to change the world youโd better try to understand it. That doesnโt mean listening to a talk or reading a book, though thatโs helpful sometimes. You learn from participating. You learn from others. You learn from the people youโre trying to organize. We all have to gain the understanding and the experience to formulate and implement ideas.
Noam ChomskyOne can neither agree nor disagree with a terminological proposal, as long as it is clear that it is just that: terminological.
Noam ChomskySome of the most moving experiences I've had are just in black churches in the South, during the Civil Rights Movement, where people were getting beaten, killed, really struggling for the most elementary rights.
Noam ChomskyIn a society that has very high concentration of capital in a narrow sector of the population, that's going to influence everything in different ways.
Noam ChomskyI am not sure just what Marx had in mind when he wrote that "philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it." Did he mean that philosophy could change the world, or that philosophers should turn to the higher priority of changing the world? If the former, then he presumably meant philosophy in a broad sense of the term, including analysis of the social order and ideas about why it should be changed, and how. In that broad sense, philosophy can play a role, indeed an essential role, in changing the world.
Noam Chomsky