A corporation is a state created institution, state supported institution, its concentration of private power, there is no reason why it should have the rights of persons.
Noam ChomskyThe US is off the spectrum in religious commitment. It's been increasing since 1980 but it's a major part of the voting base of the Republican Party so that means committing to anti-abortion positions, opposing women's rights.
Noam ChomskyJulian Assange shouldn't be the subject of a grand jury hearing, he should be given a medal. He's contributing to democracy.
Noam ChomskyIts true that contemporary technology permits decentralization, it also permits centralization. It depends on how you use the technology.
Noam ChomskyMoves toward sovereignty in Iraq stimulate pressures first for human rights among the bitterly repressed Shi'ite population but also toward some degree of autonomy. You can imagine a kind of a loose Shi'ite alliance in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Iran, controlling most of the world's oil and independent of the United States. And much worse, although Europe can be intimidated by the United States, China can't. It's one of the reasons, the main reasons, why China is considered a threat. We're back to the Mafia principle.
Noam Chomsky