Men and women, boys and girls, are still bowing to the image of peer pressure out on their own Plain of Dura every week in every city of America.
O. S. HawkinsThe great, God-blessed churches in the world today have one common characteristic: an insistence upon an exposition of God's infallible Word.
O. S. HawkinsAs we look at the chapters of Daniel, we recognize that the words of Daniel 1:21 ring true today: "Thus Daniel continued...." Daniel continued through a culture unlike his own; one that lost its way. Today, you and I are living in a culture that's losing its way. It's good to know that just as in Daniel's day, God is looking for men and women of integrity to help confront in love a culture that's losing its way and to point it back to him.
O. S. HawkinsDivine opportunities are all around you every day. Make a conscious effort today to show kindness to someone.
O. S. HawkinsDaniel's message of hope and help is still the good news of God's grace. We call it the gospel today. It still has the power to impact lives and transform cultures. Paul referred to the gospel as the "power of God" [Romans 1:16] and chose a word from which we derive our word "dynamite" to describe it. It's this power - not pickets, petitions, protests or politics - that's our only hope today.
O. S. HawkinsIn many ways we've become the Babylon of the modern era. We learned our lessons at the feet of Nebuchadnezzar himself. It's little wonder that we've lived to see Bible reading and the display of the Ten Commandments removed from public view and creation science excluded from classroom instruction. None of this is new. It has its roots in Babylon, and thus reveals that the book of Daniel is one of the most relevant books of the Bible in our world today.
O. S. Hawkins