I don't really have a lot of interns, although I do now use Research Assistants to help me compile indexes when that is necessary.
Oliver D. CrispThere is no such thing as a stationary tradition. Traditions are always developing, living things.
Oliver D. Crisp[John] Calvin is often identified with his account of predestination. Yet that appears in the third book of his Institutes, not the first.
Oliver D. Crisp[John] Calvin's Institutes is often called a summary of Christian piety. You can't say that about many modern works of theology. You can say it of Calvin.
Oliver D. CrispHere is the interesting twist:[McLeod] Campbell came to his views through reading Jonathan Edwards who suggested at one point in his ruminations on the atonement that Christ could have offered up a perfect act of penitence instead of punishment, and that this would have been an acceptable offering suitable to remit our sinfulness.
Oliver D. Crisp