A majority of the successful women on the pop scene conform to what a woman is supposed to be. Some have tried to get things moving. They have tried to modify the image. But sometimes the image has a hard time changing the eye - to change the relationship between the image and the eye takes longer.
OrlanSurgery is not my job. I have been the first artist to use aesthetic surgery in another context - not to appear younger or better according to the designated pattern. I wanted to disrupt the standarts of beauty.
OrlanI wanted to jeopardize my own image. With my image I had already produced art pieces such as videos of photographs.
OrlanBeing a narcissist isn't easy when the question is not of loving your own image, but of recreating the self through deliberate acts of alienation.
OrlanOnly a few kinds of images force you to shut your eyes: death, suffering, the opening of the body, some aspects of pornography for some people, and for others, giving birth. In this case, the eyes become black holes in which the image is absorbed willingly or unwillingly, these images are swallowed up and hit just where it hurts, without passing though the usual filters.