Increase your word power. Words are the raw material of our craft. The greater your vocabulary the more ยญeffective your writing. We who write in English are fortunate to have the richest and most versatile language in the world. Respect it.
P. D. JamesIf from infancy you treat children as gods, they are liable in adulthood to act as devils.
P. D. JamesWork did bestow dignity, status, meaning. Wasn't that why people dreaded unemployment, why some men found retirement so traumatic?
P. D. JamesIt was reasonable to struggle, to suffer, perhaps even to die, for a more just, a more compassionate society, but not in a world with no future where, all to soon, the very words "justice," "compassion," "society," "struggle," "evil," would be unheard echoes on an empty air.
P. D. James