Suicide is the most private and mysterious of acts, inexplicable because the chief actor is never there to explain it.
P. D. JamesIf you are proposing to commit a sin it is as well to commit it with intelligence. Otherwise you are insulting God as well as defying Him, don't you think?
P. D. JamesWork did bestow dignity, status, meaning. Wasn't that why people dreaded unemployment, why some men found retirement so traumatic?
P. D. JamesMetaphysical speculation is about as pointless as a discussion on the meaning of one's lungs. They're for breathing.
P. D. JamesThe weekend break had begun with the usual resentment and had continued with half-repressed ill humour. It was, of course, his fault. He had been more ready to hurt his wife's feelings and deprive his daughter than inconvenience a pub bar full of strangers. He wished there could be one memory of his dead child which wasn't tainted with guilt and regret.
P. D. JamesIf our sex life were determined by our first youthful experiments, most of the world would be doomed to celibacy. In no area of human experience are human beings more convinced that something better can be had only if they persevere.
P. D. JamesA letter is paradoxically the most revealing and the most deceptive of confessional revelations. We all have our inconsistencies, prejudices, irrationalities which, although strongly felt at the time, may be transitory. A letter captures the mood of the moment. The transitory becomes immutably fixed, part of the evidence for the prosecution or the defence.
P. D. Jamesgossip ... was like any other commodity in the marketplace. You received it only if you had something of value to give.
P. D. JamesGenerosity is a virtue for individuals, not governments. When governments are generous it is with other peopleโs money, other peopleโs safety, other peopleโs future.
P. D. JamesIf from infancy you treat children as gods, they are liable in adulthood to act as devils.
P. D. JamesIf this were fiction, could even the most brilliant novelist contrive to make credible so short a period in which pride had been subdued and prejudice overcome?
P. D. JamesWe can experience nothing but the present moment, live in no other second of time, and to understand this is as close as we can get to eternal life.
P. D. JamesIn 1930s mysteries, all sorts of motives were credible which aren't credible today, especially motives of preventing guilty sexual secrets from coming out. Nowadays, people sell their guilty sexual secrets.
P. D. JamesFirst-class travel, provided one hasn't to pay for it oneself, is the most insidiously addictive of life's luxuries.
P. D. JamesIt shows considerable wisdom to know what you want in life and then to direct all your energies towards getting it.
P. D. JamesWrite what you need to write, not what is currently popular or what you think will sell.
P. D. JamesIn youth we take egregious risks because death has no reality for us. Youth goes caparisoned in immortality. It is only in middle age that we are shadowed by the awareness of the transitoriness of life.
P. D. JamesCrime fiction confirms our belief, despite some evidence to the contrary, that we live in a rational, comprehensible, and moral universe.
P. D. JamesWe live in a society which salves its conscience more by helping the interestingly unfortunate than the dull deserving.
P. D. JamesI believe that political correctness can be a form of linguistic fascism, and it sends shivers down the spine of my generation who went to war against fascism.
P. D. JamesThe secret of contentment is never to allow yourself to want anything which reason tells you you haven't a chance of getting.
P. D. Jamesyou'd like the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. That must be the most futile oath anyone ever swears.
P. D. JamesA regime which combines perpetual surveillance with total indulgence is hardly conducive to healthy development.
P. D. JamesHe didn't want her; he wanted me. Well, you know how it is." Dalgliesh did know. This, after all, was the commonest, the most banal of personal tragedies. You loved someone. They didn't love you. Worse still, in defiance of their own best interests and to the destruction of your peace, they loved another. What would half the world's poets and novelists do without this universal tragicomedy?
P. D. JamesDeath ... obliterates family resemblance as it does personality: there is no affinity between the living and the dead.
P. D. JamesCharm is often despised but I can never see why. No one has it who isn't capable of genuinely liking others, at least at the actual moment of meeting and speaking. Charm is always genuine; it may be superficial but it isn't false.
P. D. JamesThe tragedy of loss is not that we grieve, but that we cease to grieve, and then perhaps the dead are dead at last.
P. D. JamesIt's possible to fight intolerance, stupidity and fanaticism when they come separately. When you get all three together it's probably wiser to get out, if only to preserve your sanity.
P. D. JamesEarly this morning, 1 January 2021, three minutes after midnight, the last human being to be born on earth was killed in a pub brawl in a suburb of Buenos Aires, aged twenty-five years, two months and twelve days.
P. D. JamesHuman kindness is like a defective tap, the first gush may be impressive but the stream soon dries up.
P. D. James