As a mortal being you are limited, but as a child of God you are unlimited... Focus your attention on God, and you shall have all the power you want, to use in any direction.
Paramahansa YoganandaToday I forgive all those who have ever offended me. I give my love to all thirsty hearts, both to those who love me and to those who do not love me.
Paramahansa YoganandaKeep puffing on the bubble until it breaks its confining walls and becomes the sea of joy.
Paramahansa YoganandaThe way to liberation lies through this realization of the Self, by God-communion and by remaining in this God-aware state of the soul while performing dutiful actions. Any individual can reach this supreme actionless state by the renunciation of all fruits of actions: performing all dutiful acts without harbouring in his heart any likes and dislikes, possessing no material desires, and feeling God, not the ego, as the Doer of all actions.
Paramahansa YoganandaWhenever you want to produce something, do not depend upon the outside source: go deep and seek the Infinite Source.
Paramahansa YoganandaThere is in India a story of a dying youth who, hearing the sobs of grief around him, cried: Insult me not with your cries of sympathy. When I soar to the land of eternal light and love; it is I who should feel for you. For me, disease, shattering of bones, sorrow, excruciating heartaches no more. I dream joy, I glide in joy, I breathe in joy evermore.
Paramahansa Yogananda