The patient in the bed next to me told me that the newspapers were reporting on the test, and it was on television all day long.
Patrik SinkewitzI made a big mistake. There's no doubt about it. But there have been positive testing cases in the past where the offender wasn't attacked to quite the same extent, especially not by other riders.
Patrik SinkewitzI rubbed the contents of one bag onto my upper arm on the evening of June 7, just before I went to bed. I thought: Well, it can't hurt. I flushed the packaging down the toilet.
Patrik SinkewitzI assumed the amount wouldn't be detectable. I also didn't feel that I had done anything wrong.
Patrik SinkewitzAmpoules containing cortisone, testosterone gel residues, syringes and needles, a centrifuge for measuring my blood values.But, contrary to the erroneous reports in the press, they didn't find any EPO or growth hormone.
Patrik SinkewitzIt's possible that the name Bettini came up at some point during a conversation with the German Cycling Federation's anti-doping commission, but I certainly didn't claim that he gave me any drugs. They made that up. Bettini warned me: If you said that, then things could get dangerous for you.
Patrik Sinkewitz