Much has been said about Robert, and more will be added. Young men will adopt his gait. Young girls will wear white dresses and mourn his curls. He will be condemned and adored. His excesses damned or romanticized. In the end, truth will be found in his work, the corporeal body of the artist. It will not fall away. Man cannot judge it. For art sings of God, and ultimately belongs to him.
Patti SmithI hadn't performed or been in the public eye for about 16 years. When my husband passed away, I was obliged to go back to work to take care of our kids. I also wanted to do a record in memory of him. So we did Gone Again. During that process, I had to be photographed and had to go back to doing articles and interviews.
Patti SmithYou're not a rock 'n' roll person four hours a day or even when you're on stage. It's become the rhythm of your whole life.
Patti SmithPlease, no matter how we advance technologically, please don't abandon the book. There is nothing in our material world more beautiful than the book.
Patti Smith