The true convert does not receive the gospel as an addition to his previous life, but in exchange for it.
Paul WasherThis is evangelicalism today: sensual, carnal, unconverted people that have just enough deceptive religion to drive them straight into Hell! Are you that kind of person? Or do you have new affections?
Paul WasherThe judgment of God against this nation will not be turned by a more conservative President, but by the repentance of its people.
Paul WasherThe work is hindered. The glory of God is tarnished and it is because the people of God no longer know how to discern the things of God.
Paul WasherIf we judge our lives by what we know or by what we say, we can easily deceive ourselves into thinking that we are something we are not; it is wiser to evaluate ourselves by the amount of truth we actually live. This is very humbling.
Paul WasherThe work of God in salvation is a supernatural work, but in the United States of America and among Baptists it's been reduced down to a few evangelical hoops that if we can get someone to jump through, we declare them popishly to be savedit has been the pulpit that's sending more people to Hell than any liberal organization on the face of the earthnot a liberal Methodist, not a liberal Episcopalian, but a Baptist who claims to know God's word and yet does not understand the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Paul Washer