There must be a reason that these bad things happen to me. I must be dysfunctional. So why would my dad leave? Why would he kill himself? Why would I be violated? And when you're 6-years-old, you can't comprehend that. But as you get much older in life, you begin to think what's wrong with me?
Paula WhiteI can begin to give God attributes. He's a counselor. He's a healer. He's a friend that sits closer than a brother. To me, he just - I sum it up that he's my anchor, my rock, my foundation in life, that my life was - had an emptiness - a deep, dark void with something - it had a lot of fulfillment externally, but something inside said there's more.
Paula WhiteI was not a product of what happened to me, what I had been through, where I had come from. And when I began to realize who I really was, that God had created me, put my DNA, everything together was perfectly precisionly put together by God and that I was valuable, that's what "You're All That".
Paula White