Any praise I receive does not change me, for I pass it right along to God. I walk because God gives me strength to walk, I live because God gives me the supply to live, I speak because God gives me the words to speak. All I did was to surrender my will to God's will. My entire life has prepared me for this undertaking. This is my calling. This is my vocation. This is what I must be doing. I could not be happy doing anything else.
Peace PilgrimWhen you do something for world peace, peace among groups, peace among individuals, or your own inner peace, you improve the total peace picture.
Peace PilgrimWhen societies are out of harmony, problems develop within the society - collective problems. Their purpose is to push the whole society toward harmony.
Peace PilgrimIf you recognize that all of your inner hurts are caused by your own wrong actions or your own wrong reactions or your own wrong inaction, then you will stop hurting yourself.
Peace PilgrimPure love is a willingness to give, without a thought of receiving anything in return. Love can save the world from nuclear destruction. Love God: turn to God with receptiveness and responsiveness. Love your fellow human beings: turn to them with friendliness and givingness. Make yourself fit to be called a child of God by living the way of love.
Peace PilgrimMake food a very incidental part of your life by filling your life so full of meaningful things that you'll hardly have time to think about food.
Peace PilgrimMy desire is to strive toward perfection; to be as much in harmony with God's will as possible; to live up to the highest light I have. I'm still not perfect, of course, but I grow daily... I am able to do everything I am called to do, and I do know what I need to know to do my part in the Divine Plan. And I do experience the happiness of living in harmony with God's will for me.
Peace Pilgrim