As each breath goes out, let it be the end of that moment and the birth of something new. . .
Pema ChodronIf we learn to open our hearts, anyone, including the people who drive us crazy, can be our teacher.
Pema ChodronInner # peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your # emotions
Pema ChodronFor one day, or for one day for a week, refrain from something you habitually do to run away, to escape. Pick something concrete, such as overeating or excessive sleeping or overworking or spending too much time texting or checking e-mails. Make a commitment to yourself to gently and compassionately work with refraining from this habit for this one day. Really commit to it. Do this with the intention that it will put you in touch with the underlying anxiety or uncertainty that you've been avoiding. Do it and see what you discover.
Pema Chodron