Without loving-kindness for ourselves, it is difficult, if not impossible, to genuinely feel it for others.
Pema ChodronWe can gradually drop our ideals of who we think we ought to be, or who we think we want to be, or who we think other people think we want to be or ought to be.
Pema ChodronInner #โ peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your #โ emotions
Pema ChodronIf there's any possibility for enlightenment, it's right now, not at some future time. Now is the time.
Pema ChodronUsually we regard loneliness as an enemy. Heartache is not something we choose to invite in. It's restless and pregnant and hot with the desire to escape and find something or someone to keep us company. When we can rest in the middle, we begin to have a nonthreatening relationship with loneliness, a relaxing and cooling loneliness that completely turns our usual fearful patterns upside down.
Pema Chodron