Many people hope a spiritual practice will let them avoid what they are ashamed of. But when you hide something from yourself, you are going to project it onto your world. You continually find it in others and it becomes the source of prejudices and dogmatic views. On top of that, you feel bad about yourself, because you aren't the loving, open-minded, "spiritual" person you'd like to be.
Pema ChodronImpermanence is a principle of harmony. When we don't struggle against it, we are in harmony with reality.
Pema ChodronIt isn't what happens to us that causes us to suffer; it's what we say to ourselves about what happens.
Pema ChodronEven if you don't feel appreciation, just look. Feel what you feel; take an interest and be curious.
Pema ChodronHolding on to beliefs limits our experience of life. That doesn't mean that beliefs or ideas or thinking is a problem; the stubborn attitude of having to have things be a particular way, grasping on to our beliefs and thoughts, all these cause the problems. To put it simply, using your belief system this way creates a situation in which you choose to be blind instead of being able to see, to be deaf instead of being able to hear, to be dead rather than alive, asleep rather than awake.
Pema Chodron