I am addicted to arrivals, to those innocent dawn moments from which history accelerates.
Penelope Livelythe days of our lives vanish utterly, more insubstantial than if they had been invented. Fiction can seem more enduring than reality.
Penelope LivelyI'm now an agnostic but I grew up on the King James version, which I'm eternally grateful for.
Penelope LivelyThe day is refracted, and the next and the one after that, all of them broken up into a hundred juggled segments, each brilliant and self-contained so that the hours are no longer linear but assorted like bright sweets in a jar.
Penelope LivelyThere's a preoccupation with memory and the operation of memory and a rather rapacious interest in history.
Penelope LivelyAnd in another year everything will be different yet again. It is always like that, and always will be; you are forever standing on the brink, in a place where you cannot see ahead; there is nothing of which to be certain except what lies behind. This should be terrifying, but somehow it is not.
Penelope Lively