Find that thing that you are passionate about, that you will do day or night whether someone pays you or not...because if you have that, you will have gold.
Peter DiamandisThe thing about frontiers, it allows the individuals who are best, whether they're men or women or minorities or whatever, to step to the top. So in traditional societies, old world societies, in the United Kingdom if you would; if you were born into the right stratus, the right class, you had the ability to succeed.
Peter DiamandisWhen cars have the sensory systems around them, GPS intelligence, they're looking at the world not only in visual spectrum, but infrared, ultraviolet and everything else that's going on and they've got reaction times in microseconds. Not a tenth of a second. They're a hundred thousand times faster.
Peter DiamandisI don't think the space station is innovative. Going to the moon was innovative because we had no idea how to do it.
Peter DiamandisDuring the next 50 years, in countless cycles, in countless entrepreneurial companies, this let's just go and do it mentality will help us finally get off the planet and irreversibly open the space frontier. The capital and tools are finally being placed into the hands of those willing to risk, willing to fail, willing to follow the dreams.
Peter Diamandis