If you find your feet dragging, check your path. You are probably on the wrong one.
Philip Toshio Sudothere is no yesterday or tomorrow; there is only this moment. Twenty-four hours a day. Seven days a week. Three hundred sixty-five days a year.
Philip Toshio SudoA final word on self-criticism: Do not beat up on yourself. Even if you think you know your flaws, there is no need to advertise them. Most people won't have noticed.
Philip Toshio SudoStop thinking about the audience and what they may be thinking of your music. Just play the music.
Philip Toshio SudoWhen you play guitar you are drawing a frame around a moment and saying to the listener, 'Here is how I want you to experience this. How you begin and end a solo is framing, How you structure a song is framing, how you present yourself onstage is framing. See every corner, not just the center, framing should heighten the impact of the art and give clarity to your vision.
Philip Toshio Sudo