We need to look at the repetitions in the stories we tell ourselves [and] at the process of the stories rather than merely their surface content. Then we can begin to experiment with changing the filter through which we look at the world, start to edit the story and thus regain flexibility where we have been getting stuck
Philippa PerryAfter a stroke we can re-learn how to talk, because by practicing we can establish different pathways in the brain, circumnavigating the damaged part.
Philippa PerryIn order to stretch ourselves we do need to experience the vulnerability of not knowing the outcome.
Philippa PerryI am talking about being optimistic enough to sow some seeds in the hope that some of them will germinate and grow into flowers.
Philippa PerryIt seems whether we have a tendency towards being flexible or structured affects how we create, how we parent, how we work.
Philippa PerryAs we get older it is our short term memory that fades rather than our long term memory. Perhaps we have evolved like this so that we are able to tell the younger generation about the stories and experiences that have formed us which may be important to subsequent generations if they are to thrive.I worry though, about what might happen to our minds if most of the stories we hear are about greed, war, and atrocity
Philippa Perry