Beyond a doubt, they perish eternally who do not keep the Catholic faith entire and unchanged.
Pope Gregory XVIThe unrestrained freedom of thinking and of openly making known one's thoughts is not inherent in the rights of citizens and is by no means worthy of favor and support.
Pope Gregory XVIThe holy universal Church teaches that it is not possible to worship God truly except in Her.
Pope Gregory XVILet nothing of the truths that have been defined be lessened, nothing altered, nothing added, but let them be preserved intact in word and in meaning.
Pope Gregory XVIWe are here speaking in open disapproval of that false system of philosophy, not so long ago introduced, by which, because of an extended and unbridled desire of novelty, truth is not sought where it truly resides, and, with a disregard for the holy and apostolic traditions, other vain, futile, uncertain doctrines, not approved by the Church are accepted as true, on which very vain men mistakenly think that truth itself is supported and sustained.
Pope Gregory XVI