The unrestrained freedom of thinking and of openly making known one's thoughts is not inherent in the rights of citizens and is by no means worthy of favor and support.
Pope Gregory XVIThe holy universal Church teaches that it is not possible to worship God truly except in Her.
Pope Gregory XVIThat rule must be absolutely observed which states that, except for the most serious reasons and with the Apostolic See, no innovations are to be introduced into the holy rites of the liturgy.
Pope Gregory XVIBeyond a doubt, they perish eternally who do not keep the Catholic faith entire and unchanged.
Pope Gregory XVINor can We predict happier times for religion and government from the plans of those who desire vehemently to separate the Church from the state, and to break the mutual concord between temporal authority and the priesthood. It is certain that that concord which always was favorable and beneficial for the sacred and the civil order is feared by the shameless lovers of liberty.
Pope Gregory XVI