When God writes our names in the 'Lamb's Book of Life' He doesn't do it with an eraser handy. He does it for eternity.
R. C. SproulDisciples of Christ abide in His Word. Those who abide in His Word know the truth and are free.
R. C. SproulFallen man is free to choose what he desires, but because his desires are only wicked he lacks the moral ability to come to Christ. As long as he remains in the flesh, unregenerate, he will never choose Christ. He cannot choose Christ precisely because he cannot act against his own will. His fall is so great that only the effectual grace of God working in his heart can bring him to faith.
R. C. SproulHe is intangible and invisible. But His work is more powerful than the most ferocious wind. The Spirit brings order out of chaos and beauty out of ugliness. He can transform a sin-blistered man into a paragon of virtue. The Spirit changes people. The Author of life is also the Transformer of life.
R. C. SproulWe break our promises to one another. We break our promises to God. But God never breaks His promises to us.
R. C. SproulIt has been said by church historians that in those periods of Christian history where renewal, revival, and awakening took place and the church was at its strongest, that coincidental with those periods in church history, there was a strong focus on the psalms in the life of God's people-particularly in the worship of God's people.
R. C. Sproul