Reformed theology so far transcends the mere five points of Calvinism that it is an entire worldview.
R. C. SproulI had actually gone to a church-related college, but I went on a football scholarship, not because of any interest in the church.
R. C. SproulThe real crisis of worship today is not that the preaching is paltry or that it's too drafty in church. It is that people have no sense of the presence of God, and if they have no sense of His presence, how can they be moved to express the deepest feelings of their souls to honor, revere, worship, and glorify God?
R. C. SproulFor the Arminian, salvation is possible for all but certain for none. In the Calvinist position, salvation is sure for God's elect.
R. C. SproulThe idea of being the Substitute in offering an atonement to satisfy the demands of God’s law for others was something Christ understood as His mission from the moment He entered this world and took upon Himself a human nature. He came from heaven as the gift of the Father for the express purpose of working out redemption as our Substitute, doing for us what we could not possibly do for ourselves.
R. C. Sproul