When the Spirit is absent, our excuses always seem right, but in the presence of the Spirit our excuses fade away.
R. T. KendallLove is a choice. Total forgiveness is a choice. It is not a feeling-at least at first-but is rather an act of the will. It is the choice to tear up the record of wrongs we have been keeping.
R. T. KendallYou are probably at your sanest when you come to the place where you abandon all else but your desire for God.
R. T. KendallDetached forgivenessโthere is a reduction in negative feelings toward the offender, but no reconciliation takes place. Limited forgivenessโthere is a reduction in negative feelings toward the offender, and the relationship is partially restored, though there is a decrease in the emotional intensity of the relationship. Full forgivenessโthere is a total cessation of negative feelings toward the offender, and the relationship is fully restored.
R. T. Kendall