No way they could threaten him, not even with Amelie; he'd already given Amelie the finger on the way out of Morganville and he clearly wasn’t worried about her coming after him— or, if so, what would happen when she did.
Rachel CaineTrav, if you cross us -- " "I know. You'll get me. I'll try not to pee all over myself in terror.
Rachel CaineIs this your bedroom?" she asked, and turned to look at him. Myrnin straightened and jammed the big red floppy hat back on his head. The feathers waved back and forth. "Don't get any ideas," he said. "I'm far too young and innocent for that kind of thinking.
Rachel CaineIf you ask me if I'm okay again, I'm going to smack myself in the face just to punish you.
Rachel Caine