Home," he repeated. "Home is where the heart is. Why don't you leave yours here? I'll take very good care of it.
Rachel CaineI know, he said. We are into the Bad Idea neighborhood and heading down I Have a Bad Feeling Street. (Shane)
Rachel CaineWant me to warm up the sauce?” “Do we do that? I mean, it’s in a jar, right? Can’t you just dump it over the pasta?” “Well, you can, but it tastes better if you warm it up.” “Oh.” Eve sighed. “This is complicated. No wonder I never cook.
Rachel CaineI suppose I’ll have to clean up Freddy’s brains; I hate to leave a mess for the home owners. Hand me that plastic bag; I need to put it over his head to keep him from leaking. Oh, relax, Freddy; I’ll tear an airhole for you.” - Mercer
Rachel Caine