Whats a gonzotic frenzy? Well its me in the throes of an ink splattering attempt to capture the feeling I have at that particular time.
Ralph SteadmanWhores get bow-legged and bankers get mean, which is strange when you think that if whores get bow-legged, bankers should get generous, but they never do.
Ralph SteadmanMoral authority has been laid to rest, world opinion is no more than a game show and the difference between good and evil is about as relevant as changing channels.
Ralph SteadmanWhat actually happened was that Rolling Stone paid me fifteen hundred dollars for the use of all the drawings - about twenty four of them - and then offered to buy the originals from me, which my agent urged 'was a good move!'. He sold the whole damn treasure trove to Jann Wenner for the princely sum of sixty dollars per drawing. I rue the day I let him convince me.
Ralph Steadman