The word heaven means harmony. The word hell is from the old English hell, meaning to build a wall around, to separate; to be helled was to be shut off from. Now if there is such a thing as harmony there must be that something one can be in right relations with; for to be in right relations with anything is to be in harmony with it. Again, if there is such a thing as being helled, shut off, separated from, there must be that something from which one is held, shut off, or separated.
Ralph Waldo TrineIt is the ignorant person who seeks his or her own ends at the expense of the greater whole. It is the ignorant person, therefore, who is the selfish person. The truly wise person is never selfish.
Ralph Waldo TrineMeet hatred with hatred and you degrade yourself. Meet hatred with love and you elevate not only yourself but also the one who bears you hatred.
Ralph Waldo TrineLove is everything. It is the key to life, and its influences are those that move the world.
Ralph Waldo TrineThe optimist is right. The pessimist is right. Point of view is the determining factor in the life of each.
Ralph Waldo TrineIndividuals carry their success or failure with them. It does not depend on outside conditions.
Ralph Waldo TrineHe who lives in the realization of his oneness with this Infinite Power becomes a magnet to attract to himself a continual supply of whatsoever things he desires. ... The one who is truly wise, and who uses the forces and powers with which they are endowed, to them the great universe always opens her treasure house.
Ralph Waldo Trine