A lot of people want a shortcut. I find the best shortcut is the long way, which is basically two words: work hard.
Randy PauschGive yourself permission to dream. Fuel your kids' dreams too. Once in a while, that might even mean letting them stay up past their bedtimes.
Randy PauschBelieve nothing a man tells you and everything he shows you"....(Taken from a farewell video from a dying father to his infant daughter on dating)
Randy PauschA coach yells at the kid he thinks can improve but the coach will not yell at the kid who he/she knows won't.
Randy PauschWell, you can’t have just some of me, Jai,” I told her. “You appreciate the part of me that didn’t get angry because two ‘things’ we own got hurt. But the flip side of that is my belief that you don’t repair things if they still do what they’re supposed to do. The cars still work. Let’s just drive ’em.
Randy Pausch