What is play and delightful one kind of child is coercion and torture for another, and will not take no matter how much coercion is applied.
Rebecca GoldsteinIf we look at our attitudes consistently and work out the logical implications we're on the road to moral progress, moral understanding.
Rebecca GoldsteinI was trained as a philosopher never to put philosophers and their ideas into historical contexts, since historical context has nothing to do with the validity of the philosopher's positions. I agree that assessing validity and contextualizing historically are two entirely distinct matters and not to be confused with one another. And yet that firm distinction doesn't lead me to endorse the usual way in which history of philosophy is presented.
Rebecca GoldsteinPlato worried that philosophical writing would take the place of living conversations for which, in philosophy, there is no substitute.
Rebecca GoldsteinI'm a Spinozist. I believe in reason. I think all the progress that we've made making this a better world have been because of reason and not religion. I think religion has been pulled along by reason and that's why we read The Bible now so differently, even believers.
Rebecca GoldsteinParticipation in the collective life of the polis both restrains the extraordinary individual and enlarges the ordinary individual, allowing him to participate in the extraordinary. An individual can achieve participatory excellence via the accomplishments of the polis and need not always be caught up in the agnostic struggle to outdo his peers.
Rebecca Goldstein