It's useful to be able to recognize whether you're on track or not. To have that belief, but also paranoia about am I tracking against my investment thesis.
Reid HoffmanOpportunities do not float like clouds in the sky. They're attached to people. If you're looking for an opportunity, you're really looking for a person.
Reid HoffmanOne of the phrases I frequently look for is infinite learning curve.Because each entrepreneurial pattern is to some degree unique and new.
Reid HoffmanProbably the biggest mistake that I made personally is I knew early on that I wanted to go into start-ups and creating kind of software that could help change the lives of millions of people. And basically what I did is I kind of went, okay, well, I need a set of titles and I need a checklist of skills, and I ran through all that, and that wasn't a useless thing, but what I didn't realize, and, you know, and no one gave me the right advice for doing this, is that actually your network, in essentially, is your career.
Reid Hoffman