Make sure a certain percentage of the people that you're hiring are generalists so that you can be, kind of reconfigured in the workforce pretty easily.
Reid HoffmanNo matter how brilliant your mind or strategy, if you're playing a solo game, you'll always lose out to a team.
Reid HoffmanSilicon Valley tends to believe in the individual who creates a small group and does something big. Democracy is always frustrating, but it creates a society that, for example, allows us to invest in each other's kids, to have public education, to have both a greater society and individual freedom for creating businesses.
Reid HoffmanBenevolent, enlightened, wise dictators are the most efficient form of government. The problem is what comes afterwards.
Reid HoffmanEveryone, you know, during crises times, is much more focused on, okay, how do we get the boat completely seaworthy, sailing along well, and everything going well? And so as long as you're communicating how the general strategy of the company and how the work they can do to add to that and to make that more successful and the thing that they can contribute to that, that is generally very motivating for employees in crisis times.
Reid Hoffman